Tips oss om nye ladepunkter for elbiler

Kirketorget har ikke bilde av ladestasjonen.
Adresse: Kirketorget , 3616 Kongsberg
Kommune: 3303 Kongsberg
Fylke: Buskerud
Posisjon (lat, lng): (59.66532,9.64573)
Google Maps kjørerute: Google Maps kjørerute
Google street View: Street View
Eid av: Lade i Norge
Kontaktinfo: Telefon til kommunens resepsjon: 32 86 60 00
Ladepunkter: 6
Kommentar: Må ha konto hos Lade i Norge
Opprettet: 2018-11-12 12:49:35
Oppdatert: 2018-11-12 12:50:03


Open 24h: Yes
Real-time information: No
Public funding: None
Parking fee: No
Time limit: Yes
Location: Street
Availability: Public


Kontakt nr 1

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 3,6 kW - 230V 1-phase max 16A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 2

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 3,6 kW - 230V 1-phase max 16A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 3

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 3,6 kW - 230V 1-phase max 16A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 4

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 3,6 kW - 230V 1-phase max 16A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 5

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 3,6 kW - 230V 1-phase max 16A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 6

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 3,6 kW - 230V 1-phase max 16A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity